Saturday, May 4, 2019

Top 10 Most Expensive Sports

              Are you one of those who like playing sports? What is your favorite sport? Playing sports is not like other activities that we do in our free time. Sports help us to make full use of our free time, build our bodies, keep us fit and protect us from many diseases that can destroy our life and lead to death because of ignoring playing sports. There are some sports that do not cost a lot of money to be learnt and played, while there are others that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars to allow you to take part in them. Playing sports like those that cost thousands of dollars need a wealthy person who has millions of dollars and is ready to waste his\her money to take part in such sports and to get pleasure. Below are the top most expensive sports in the world to decide whether the sport that you play is expensive or not.


It is also commonly known as horseback riding or simply horse riding. It is one of the most interesting and important sports which are included in the Olympics. This sport includes three disciplines which are dressage, show jumping and eventing. Getting a dressage horse is not easy as it requires spending a lot of money and even if you have money to get such a horse, you will need to spend a long time to train the horse on your own.


It is also another sport that is played on the back of horses but it requires many horses and not just one as it is a team sport which makes it more expensive than the above sport. In addition to the horses that play on the playground, there are other horses which are needed in case something bad happens to the horses that play

Formula 1

It is single-seater auto racing that is also referred to as Formula One or just F1. Taking part in this sport requires starting at an early age which means that you need to be a teenager and this also means spending more and more money by your parents. You may need around $190,000 for just starting and entering a competition and this is why you have to look for a sponsor to be able to continue playing this sport. This sport is not only one of the most expensive sports in the world, but it is also one of the most dangerous sports that lead to different injuries which may cause your death

Wing suiting

It is one of the most exciting sports that you can ever play. Purchasing a wing suit is not expensive as it just costs $2,500, but what makes this sport expensive is what you need to be in the air and return back safely to the ground as you need skydiving lessons to be well trained, a plane, pilot, insurance in case something bad happens to you and other requirements that are necessary for experiencing the feeling of being in the air.

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