Saturday, May 4, 2019

What is the importance of games and sports?

Well if we talk about Android or PC Games then I would give more priority or importance to physical Games and Sports.

Games and Sports are an important and essential part of a person's life.
Along with the study, Games, and Sports are also important. Hence, All of the schools conducts various Games competitions and Sports.
Along with the Mental development of every person, physical development is also which needs to be taken into consideration. Sports is    an important part of a student’s life as well.

So, what is the importance of Sports and Games?
  • Sports gives us a good exercise which makes us Physically strong and increases our stamina and strength. Regular Sports activities make us active and lead to good Health.
  • Playing Games makes us aware of our environment i.e. Makes us mentally awake and increases our concentration power.
  • Various Games needs good strategies for better performance and teamwork, so it increases our thinking ability and teaches us the power of teamwork and to find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Games and sports also need a lot of energy i.e. it makes us energetic.
  • Games and Sports needs a lot of cooperation between the players. Hence it increases cooperation with each other.
  • And at last, all of the Games have their own rules and regulations which if not followed, leads to negative points. Hence, we can say that it Teaches us the Importance of following Rules in life.

 Sports and Games are a lot beneficial in innumerable ways. These were the major benefits we get from Sports which makes up to its great Importance.

Paralympic Games

The Paralympic Games are a major international sports event. People with physical disabilities compete in these games. They are called Paralympians. They include people with disabilities that affect movement, amputationsblindness, and cerebral palsy.
   There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games. They are held just after the Olympic Games. All Paralympic Games are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

 The Paralympics started as a small gathering of British World War II veterans in 1948. They became one of the largest international sport events by the early 21st century

   Paralympians have many different kinds of disabilities, so there are several categories in which they compete. The disabilities are in six broad categories: amputee, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, wheelchair, visually impaired, and Les Autres (This means "the others" in French.) These categories are further broken down which vary from sport to sport.
   Paralympians work for equal treatment with able-bodied Olympians. Olympians receive much more money than Paralympians. Some Paralympians have also participated in the Olympic Games.

Unique Sports You Won't Believe Exist

Sport: the athletic pursuits. That thing you could do if you really wanted to, it just looks lame and hey, e-athletes make good money anyway, shut up. Football, rugby, that American football, tennis, that Australian football, we seem obsessed with the infinite intricacies of sport: the minutiae, the grandeur that can turn 22 people playing with a ball into a cash giant with higher revenues than some nations' GDP.
That being said, we do seem to limit our view to a very small sample of the truly amazing and mad things mankind has devised for recreation.
Our very definition of sport may vary its all a matter of perspective one man's epic struggle between two forces in a battle of stoic calm in the face of overwhelming pressure, is another man's darts. And just because certain events don't follow a fixed schedule or take place in an arena of may very well have no set of recognizable rules doesn't mean it's not truly a sport.
Sepak Takraw
Sepak Takraw originates from Malaysia sometime in the 15th century, although several countries do actually claim to be the originator. The game is played on a court similar to a badminton court and is fairly similar to badminton with a few key differences, namely that there are three players on each team, the shuttlecock is a ball that looks like a compacted wicker chair, you can't use your arms and the rackets don't exist. Aside from that it's virtually identical.
Sepak Takraw is massive in South East Asia and watching it you do get a kind of gentle vibe from the game that the opponents are not there to be defeated, but to assist in what can look more like a well choreographed dance, with a net.

Nathan's Hotdog Eating Contest
Anyone who claims this is not a sport needs to keep a few points in mind. Point 1: The Coney Island classic Nathan's Hotdog Eating Contest has been held annually since 1916 (although there were no contests in 1941 and 1971 due to protests). So this hotdog eating contest has been running for over 100 years, the FIFA World Cup has only been running for 87. Let that sink in.
Point 2: The winner gets a cash prize and a title belt. And we're not talking some dog-and-pony show cardboard belt, we're talking like leather strap, gold plated, 'Uncle Sam eating a hotdog like he devours commies' belt: USA! USA! Validity of the sport aside it does take a certain amount of gastronomic fortitude to vanquish 60+ hotdogs in ten minutes, and if you happen to be around Coney Island on the 4th of July it might be worth a watch.

Bo Taoshi
Oh, this bit looks painful. Which bit? Every bit. When a sport has a specific position known as 'ninja' (the fellow at the top of the pole kicking his buddies), you know there may be a bit of violence involved.
The game is played in Japanese schools on sports days but the most well known of these events is played specifically by cadets of the National Defence Academy of Japan, where 150 (one hundred and fifty, this is not a typo) army cadets have a go at trying to keep a pole up or take it down depending on what team they happen to be on that day.
The game, if one can call it that, resembles some kind of horror king-of-the-hill/capture the flag/battle royal where every sort of defensive and offensive technique is not only permitted, but encouraged. The amazing thing is after a round of head stomping everyone just carries on - no hurt feelings, just hurt scalps. It's worth a watch but probably not if you're a bit squeamish at people being full-on booted in the face

Top Most Dangerous Sports in the World

Sports can prove to be a time for merriment and a great source of entertainment for everyone involved from the players to the fans but every now and then, injuries and even death can cast a shadow. Involving a lot of physical contact, it hardly comes as a surprise that every sport entails an element of danger. But which would you consider the most dangerous in this lot? From extreme sports like Base jumping to well-known ones like football, here are 10 of the most dangerous sports in the world.

 Base Jumping

If you thought jumping off an airplane with 15,000 feet to go dangerous, think again. For many, this isn’t challenging enough apparently and hence they choose cliffs and man-made objects like towers. Jumping from such heights may sound safer while in reality they tend to be trickier due to virtually no time available to deploy the parachutes or deal with any problems. BASE is actually an acronym for the type of objects people jump off. It stands for Buildings, Antennas (tower), Spans (or bridges) and Earth (natural formations like cliffs, canyons, gorges, etc.). First developed by Carl Boenish in 1978 it has grown in popularity since.
Scuba diving

Scuba diving is an underwater sport fast gaining popularity across the planet. This recreational sport involves using SCUBA – Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus to stay underwater long enough to savor the serene beauty of marine life. While for some the allure of scuba diving lies in the charm of underwater life for others it’s the thrill of exploring a wreck or a cave. The danger in this sport chiefly lies in the changes in pressure. These changes in pressure could potentially rupture a lung, ear-drums or damage the sinuses. Prolonged exposure to high pressure gases can result in the build-up of nitrogen and helium in our blood stream which may lead to damage to tissues, blocking of small blood vessels or even shut down of blood supply! Other casualties could be due to failure of diving equipment.
Jallikattu also known as bull-taming is another sport that involves bulls though it occurs on a different continent with a different set of rules. Taking place in villages across Tamil Nadu during the Pongal (thanksgiving for plentiful harvests) festival, this is a sport in which only one emerges the winner – man or bull. In one form of this sport a person has to hold on to the bull for a specified time or distance to win while a variant to this game involves releasing the bull into an open field with the participants trying to subdue the bull. The dangers as can be anticipated are many and as many as 200 have died in this sport over the last two decades. Also due to protests by animal activists against the cruelty meted out to the beasts the sport has been banned in the country.

Bull riding

This is a rodeo sport that involves staying mounted on a bull for as long as possible while the bull tries to buck off the rider. The very mention of mounting a 1000kg bull invokes jitters among  us; so I guess much needn’t be said about the perils entailed in the actual sport. It has been considered as one of the most dangerous sports in the world with damage to the neck, head and face besides concussions accounting for most of the injuries. In 1989 after a bull gored and punctured the heart of cowboy Lane Frost it was made compulsory to wear protective vests made of ballistic material. This and a slew of other protective measures have brought down the accidents in the sport but despite this it still continues to be the “most dangerous 8 seconds in sports”.

Top 10 Most Expensive Sports

              Are you one of those who like playing sports? What is your favorite sport? Playing sports is not like other activities that we do in our free time. Sports help us to make full use of our free time, build our bodies, keep us fit and protect us from many diseases that can destroy our life and lead to death because of ignoring playing sports. There are some sports that do not cost a lot of money to be learnt and played, while there are others that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars to allow you to take part in them. Playing sports like those that cost thousands of dollars need a wealthy person who has millions of dollars and is ready to waste his\her money to take part in such sports and to get pleasure. Below are the top most expensive sports in the world to decide whether the sport that you play is expensive or not.


It is also commonly known as horseback riding or simply horse riding. It is one of the most interesting and important sports which are included in the Olympics. This sport includes three disciplines which are dressage, show jumping and eventing. Getting a dressage horse is not easy as it requires spending a lot of money and even if you have money to get such a horse, you will need to spend a long time to train the horse on your own.


It is also another sport that is played on the back of horses but it requires many horses and not just one as it is a team sport which makes it more expensive than the above sport. In addition to the horses that play on the playground, there are other horses which are needed in case something bad happens to the horses that play

Formula 1

It is single-seater auto racing that is also referred to as Formula One or just F1. Taking part in this sport requires starting at an early age which means that you need to be a teenager and this also means spending more and more money by your parents. You may need around $190,000 for just starting and entering a competition and this is why you have to look for a sponsor to be able to continue playing this sport. This sport is not only one of the most expensive sports in the world, but it is also one of the most dangerous sports that lead to different injuries which may cause your death

Wing suiting

It is one of the most exciting sports that you can ever play. Purchasing a wing suit is not expensive as it just costs $2,500, but what makes this sport expensive is what you need to be in the air and return back safely to the ground as you need skydiving lessons to be well trained, a plane, pilot, insurance in case something bad happens to you and other requirements that are necessary for experiencing the feeling of being in the air.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Playing Basketball

Basketball is a much-loved sport all across the world. It is popular because it can be played as a competitive sport or a casual game on the local court. It is also a great way to work out as it involves using your entire body. It is a fast-paced game that involves a good deal of jumping and running which is a fantastic way to exercise. If you want a sport that helps you stay fit and healthy, basketball is the perfect choice as it comes with more than a few health benefits.

1. Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Basketball is great for your heart health! Because you keep moving, your heart rate increases. It also helps in building endurance, which is important when you want to make sure that your heart is healthy. It will help lower the risk of stroke and heart disease later in your life.

2. Burns Calories
Do you want to shed a few extra kilos? Play basketball! All the quick lateral movements, running and jumping, gives you an aerobic workout that in turn can help you burn a lot of calories. For every hour of basketball, a person who weighs 165 pounds can expect to burn about 600 calories while a person who weighs 250 pounds can expect to burn approximately 900 calories.

3. Improves Awareness Of Space And Body
Basketball is a game that requires spatial awareness. You need to know where you are positioned to make that perfect shot or play defense effectively. When you have an awareness of the space and body, you will know exactly where you need to be when your teammate or opponent makes a shot or passes the ball. When your spatial awareness is improved, it also helps in keeping you in balance
4. Boosts the Immune System
When you play basketball or any other sport, it helps in reducing stress . When stress is decreased, you will have more energy and focus to complete tasks. It also makes you more social, which in turns helps in preventing depression. When stress is lowered, your immune system gets a boost as well.

World’s Best Snorkeling Destinations

Snorkeling (British and Commonwealth English spelling: snorkeling) is the practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a diving mask, a shaped breathing tube called a snorkel, and usually swim fins. In cooler waters, a wet suit may also be worn.
The underwater scenery in these islands, atolls, cayes, and reefs is unmatched, but sadly climate change is endangering the watery wonderland. Coral bleaching is already affecting many of the world’s reefs, coral is disappearing across the globe, and some scientists expect it could die out entirely as soon as 2050. Even more of a reason to start planning that snorkeling trip you’ve been dreaming about.

The Maldives

The Maldives are one of the most beautiful destinations in the world, but some of the islands’ greatest sights lie beneath the waves.  The tiny islands that make up the archipelago are surrounded by aquamarine water that is home to some 700 species of fish, including tuna wahoos, and butterfly fish. The water holds a multitude of other marine wonders, too, like sharks, turtles, anemones, coral, and perhaps a friendly octopus or two. If someone in your party doesn’t like to snorkel, they can enjoy the undersea gardens and wildlife, too, thanks to the islands’ crystal clear water.

Ambergris Caye, Belize

Home to the largest barrier reef outside of Australia (185 miles!), Belize has many opportunities to get up close and personal with eels, rays, and all kinds of brightly colored fish. There are hundreds of cayes and atolls that dot the Caribbean coastline, filled with colorful coral sunken beneath the turquoise waters. Some of the best options for divers and snorkelers are found off of Ambergris Caye, including the Hol Chan Marine Reserve and the self-explanatory shark-ray alley teeming with nurse sharks happy to let you live out your swimming-with-the-sharks fantasies.

Palawan, The Philippines
While the Philippines may not seem like the most obvious snorkeling destination, the waters surrounding the 7,000 islands in the archipelago make up a diverse eco-system filled with breathtaking wildlife. There is no shortage of snorkeling opportunities from diving into the Bay of Donsol for the chance to swim with whale sharks or visiting the coral reefs outside Noa Noa Island. The stunning Palawan island offers something for every underwater explorer though. Visit the island’s fish-filled lagoons, dive into Honda Bay, explore Tubbataha reef, and plan a daytrip to meet the underwater inhabitants of Starfish and Cowrie Island.

5 Reasons to Start Swimming Now!

Speed up the process to that summer tan and bikini body by jumping into the pool. Yes, the treadmill is fun, and so are those dumbbells, but they only offer a portion of what a swim workout does. From toning your core to speeding up your metabolism, there are several reasons why you should consider swimming your new go-to. Grab a suit and find out the  5 reasons why you should start swimming!

It's a total-body workout. Swimming tackles everything from sculpting your back to toning your arms—all without having to pick up a weight. Rather than needing a plan to work specific muscles, all four strokes work to strengthen your entire body.

It's joint-friendly. If you're recovering from an injury and are eager to build strength, then look into starting a swimming routine to stay fit. If running is your passion, then swimming is a great way to work out on recovery days, allowing knees a rest from the pavement.

It's muscle-lengthening. If you're worried about bulking up which you shouldn't be, then consider swimming. Swimming combines resistance training with cardio, building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. It also puts your body through a range of movements, helping your muscles stay long and flexible

It's a great way to burn calories. Those myths about swimmers and calorie intake aren't false. That's because one hour of moderate swimming can burn around 500 calories. This revs up your metabolism, continuing the burn well after you've stepped off the deck.

It's refreshing. Jumping into a pool is refreshing! You don't need to be a professional swimmer to reap the benefits. Have fun with it, and enjoy being in the water. If anything, you'll walk away with a nice tan and an endorphin kick!